THiNGs i PLaN oN HaViNG HeRe SooN

As you can probably tell, my site is under some construction. I basicly plan on making it all bigger in the future. The following list is things I need...

#1 -=A DeX LanD MaGaZiNe=-

#2 -=MoRe/DiFFeReNT GiFs & JpGs=-

#3 -=SoMe STuFF oN My BanD=-

#4 -=MoRe SKaTe SHiT=-

#5 -=BiGGeR pUnK SeCTioN=-

#6 -=MaYBe SoMe JoKeS=-

#7 -=Possibly a New Name=-

If you can help me with any of these, then PLEASE...