I don't know too much about war on IRC but its always fun to try. Nuking, flooding and shit like that is commanly used over IRC.
Another comman piss off over IRC is flooding. What this attact does is repeatedly does something (pinging, version, finger ect) to the person you are attacting until they get flooding off. You will know he's gone when his quit msg is ***NickName has quit IRC (exess flood)*** I only have one flooder at the moment, (Hopefully there is more to come) click on it, save it to your computer, then follow the simple instructions.
Get it Here
If you are still confused or want to learn more stuff, crab this txt file here.
*WARNING* -=Remember you are using this knowledge at your own risk. If you get in shit or G-Lined, don't get pissed at me. Shit Happens.=- *WARNING*
My nukes never seem to work, it may be because I don't have windows '95, and that pisses me off. But I'll put my nukes out for you to take if you want.
Win Newk 1
Win Newk 4
Win Newk 9
Bitch Slap v.1.0